On March 16, 2024, authorities in Newton County, GA, arrested a repeat offender linked to multiple incidents at ALTO-supported retail locations in both Newton County and DeKalb County. The offenses had been ongoing for several months, culminating in the suspect’s apprehension. This case study highlights how ALTO successfully delivered justice for two supported stores in Georgia by ensuring a repeat offender was held accountable. Without strategic collaboration and diligent case follow-through, the case could have easily stalled, posing a continued risk to the stores, employees and community.
Case Milestones
The case timeline highlights ALTO’s step-by-step involvement in ensuring accountability for this repeat offender. On March 16, 2024, the offender was arrested, with bond initially denied due to risks associated with violent felonies. By March 20, ALTO’s legal team began working closely with the police and the district attorney to monitor court developments. At the end of May, ALTO provided new felony arrest warrants related to the offenses in Dekalb County to strengthen the case, leading to the offender’s bond motion being denied, minimizing the risk of reoffending during legal proceedings.
In August 2024, with ALTO’s involvement, the offender was sentenced under a non-negotiated plea agreement, which included 10 years of probation with the first 2 years in confinement, 40 hours of community service, mandatory completion of a GED/diploma and a theft awareness course, and a no-contact order preventing entry into any of the retailer’s stores in either of the jurisdictions. Finally, on September 26, 2024, after filing to withdraw their guilty plea, the offender withdrew the request and was transferred to the Georgia Department of Corrections.
ALTO’s Intervention
- Timely Evidence Collection and Coordination
ALTO’s legal team actively collaborated with the store teams, law enforcement and the district attorney’s office to compile video and photo evidence as well as restitution data. This was communicated promptly to ensure the prosecution had a strong case from day one.
- Persistent Legal Advocacy
ALTO continuously tracked the case from arrest to adjudication. This included engaging with law enforcement, advocating against bond motions due to the flight risk, and ensuring the defendant’s repeated offenses were addressed comprehensively.
- Stakeholder Communication
The ALTO team bridged communication between the retailer and legal authorities, ensuring seamless updates, accountability and alignment throughout the process. Regular and transparent updates from ALTO strengthened the retailer’s trust in the process and outcome.
- Results-Driven Approach
Through ALTO’s commitment to securing accountability and deterring repeat offenses, the focus always remained on securing measurable outcomes that provide justice for the retailer and ensure community safety. The defendant faced justice with a substantial sentence ensuring both punitive and rehabilitative measures. The no-contact order and confinement significantly reduced the risk of future incidents for the retailer and the surrounding community.