Meet the ALTO Team: Sofia Rosende, Regional Vice President of Operations
July 22, 2024
Miranda Reyes
Meet the ALTO Team

At ALTO, leadership isn’t just about managing operations; it’s about forging meaningful partnerships and driving impactful change in the retail store safety landscape. Sofia Rosende, who joined ALTO in Chile before transitioning to her current role as Regional Vice President of Operations for the East, embodies ALTO’s ethos of collaboration, personal development, and innovation.

In this interview, Sofia shares her perspectives on leadership, partnership-driven strategies, and ALTO’s client engagements, offering a unique glimpse into how ALTO integrates its values into everyday practices to create safer communities.

Describe how your initial start with ALTO shaped your approach to client relationships and operational strategy. How did this early shift complement your ability to understand pain points and innovative solutions?

I joined ALTO in March 2013 as a staff attorney in Chile. I always had an interest in understanding how we could not only deliver the legal aspects of our work but also address retailers’ pain points and develop new solutions to help them. I truly fell in love with the solution-oriented aspect of our work.

I’ve always been someone who likes to execute and make things happen. ALTO provided me with the opportunity, even as an attorney, to engage with retail stores and conduct research to understand their team’s pain points when it came to safety. This approach allowed me to learn a different customer service method: we always go to our clients and try to understand their processes before implementing anything.

Moving from Chile to the US—and then from Western to Eastern ALTO Operations—involved significant adjustments. Can you describe this leadership journey and the strategies you employed?

I came to the US in February 2019, stepping directly into a leadership role. It was definitely a culture shock, but I’ve always thrived in challenges and changes. When I moved into the role of Regional Vice President in 2022, leading operations in the West of the US, I had to truly appreciate the journey. That perspective is something that our CEO, Cristian Lopez, has really ingrained in me: we have lots more to achieve, but let’s stop and appreciate the view, where we are right now compared to where we were a few years ago.

This past March, when I took on the challenge of leading ALTO operations in the East, my initial strategy was to observe and learn, focusing primarily on my direct team—the ones doing the day-to-day work and experiencing a transition in leadership. I aimed to empower my team as much as possible by addressing any concerns they had and giving them the support and autonomy needed to excel.

How have you cultivated a culture of ownership among your team members at ALTO, and what strategies have you found most effective in fostering leadership?

I’m extremely passionate about leadership and coaching new leaders, learning from them, and working as a team. Collaboration is something we live by every day at ALTO, not just a value statement; we genuinely have a support mentality where everyone carries a different role, and as a team, we can accomplish more than we think.

I believe in empowering people to grow and learn from their experiences. Ultimately, I want them to feel capable and supported in their roles. Empowerment is key. It’s like teaching someone to drive: I tell my team, “You’re driving the car, and I’m here beside you. We’ll start in a parking lot, then move to the streets. Eventually, you’ll drive confidently, even without me in the car.” I believe that empowering the team to operate independently with a sense of ownership has been crucial. We’re all trying to achieve the same thing, just from different viewpoints.

ALTO emphasizes fostering partnerships as part of its retail asset protection solution. Can you elaborate on how this approach distinguishes ALTO from other companies?

Partnership is a crucial keyword for ALTO. What we offer is truly a partnership, and we take pride in that distinction. In any partnership, whether in business or life, each party brings something valuable to the table. It requires understanding, agreements, and evolving trust. We’re not here to replace existing systems or imply that everything needs fixing. Instead, we approach our community and retail partners’ challenges as collaborative opportunities. It’s about mutual contribution, where we work together to address problems and achieve goals.

This approach extends beyond our retail partners to the communities we serve. We foster partnerships where we act as force multipliers, sharing the workload and collaborating to enhance safety and effectiveness together. Our field experts invest time in building strong relationships, which streamlines processes and deepens understanding of market nuances. It’s all about fostering genuine partnerships based on trust, mutual benefit, and a shared commitment to making a positive impact.

Looking ahead, how do you envision ALTO continuing to innovate and support retail partners in the evolving retail landscape?

At ALTO, we focus on finding common ground. The key lies in the approach: identifying the right method that aligns with your needs and your willingness to engage in a collaborative effort. We’re not about imposing solutions; instead, we strive to understand our partners’ needs deeply so we can provide meaningful support with the tools and expertise we have.

Before implementing ALTO at a new store, my approach is to deeply understand the challenges. Chances are you face the same issues as other stores in your community and region. Each retailer faces unique challenges, and not every solution is one-size-fits-all.

We always want to provide clarity and support every step of the way to achieve shared goals. Whether it’s advocating for consequences or coordinating community-oriented interventions, we aim for visible, impactful outcomes, underscoring our commitment to transparency and follow-through, even if the desired result isn’t immediate. By partnering with us, you join a powerful alliance of retailers where collective strength truly makes a difference.

Click here to learn more about how ALTO can support your retail operations and help you increase the safety of your stores and staff.